The day of the Royal wedding is here. Even though the papers and television are going on about it, nobody at work seems bothered. I have a very busy day ahead and so haven’t even thought about watching it. A young student nurse is on placement with us. She sees me reading the news items about the wedding and the Queen and shows me the BBC live coverage of guests arriving for the wedding on her phone.
The conversation turns to hats. I tell her that I recently read that wedding guests do not necessarily have to wear hats. I have a special wedding coming up soon and went dress shopping last weekend. I showed Kavitha the dress yesterday and she didn’t like it. Anyway it fits me perfectly and we liked it and so I am not returning it. After seeing all the lovely hats on display today I am starting to get ideas and thinking about getting a hat for myself. I hope this urge to buy one won’t last for long and I will get over it.
As I cannulate one of my patients, I cannot but admire her muscular arms. She is a personal trainer who works out 3-4 hours each day. She tells me that she loves her job as she ends up meeting fascinating people and enjoys the conversations that she has with them. I tell her that unfortunately I can only speak to my patients for the few minutes before I put them to sleep and so usually don’t have enough time to get too many personal details but still sometimes the few minutes is enough to meet some interesting individuals.
I was able to watch the end of the wedding ceremony and the exchange of vows. It was a lovely service and a perfect day for the fairy tale wedding. The views of the Chapel and horse drawn carriage drive along the packed streets of Windsor looked like it came straight out of a Disney film. The girls in theatre got a bit excited about the dress, the tiara and Meghan’s expressions during the service.
As I leave work, the night staff arrive. The nurse was adamant this morning that she wasn’t going to watch the ceremony and needed her rest. I ask if she had a peak at the wedding dress and of course she did. Girls will be girls and the temptation was too hard to resist.