An ABBA song, that’s all it takes
To open up Pandora’s box and teenage crushes
Oh! the ripples it makes
Painting pictures with mind’s brushes
The only words I knew was the chorus, ‘Super Trouper’,
repeatedly blaring from my transistor radio,
During our SPM tour
Over 35 years ago
A trip we all looked forward to
Friends and classmates together
With a couple of teachers in tow
Or was it the other way, I remember
Few of us knew each other well
Others we got to know as days passed
With plenty of stories to tell
One wondered if the friendships would last
Photos were taken
Memories were made
Some friendships were forsaken
Others left in the shade
Years later, I am surprised to know
My friend saw in me a fun girl
All those years ago
As we let the stories unfurl
These days friends like this
Come along once in a while
To revive old memories
And make me smile