Why do weddings turn you into gibbering wrecks? Especially English ones. Is it the vows, the readings, the speeches when done intelligently and articulately or is it just another sign of getting old. I survived Kavitha’s and Huw’s Welsh wedding and yet I attend a complete stranger’s wedding and I get all emotional.
Maybe it is because I feel guilty that I left Kavitha at home so soon after the birth to attend the wedding. Maybe it is something else. Maybe I had too much champagne. Whatever it is, it was a roller coaster of a day.
The lady sitting next to me at the table was such a hoot, we had a blast. I’ve known her for a very long time, but have never had a proper conversation with her till today.
I am not going to get all philosophical and analyse all this. Tomorrow is another day. I’m on call. Hope it is not going to be too busy. At least I do not have to do another weekend on call till August now.