A couple of years ago my brother decides to pack it all in and go back to India. Round about the same time, his son gets admission into one of the most prestigious schools in NYC with a full scholarship. I persuaded him to stay back till Nidhin completed his studies as I thought he would be making a huge mistake if he didn’t take up the offer. So he listened to me and two years on Nidhin is doing quite well at school. I’ve already mentioned about his photographic skills. One of his prints is hanging on the wall in his room here. I’ve already told them that it’s coming back home with me when I go back. Nidhin is also part of the athletic team. He is a very good athlete as well and can run 3 miles @ a rate of 5.5 miles per mile, which is apparently very good for his age. He needs to get it down to under 5 minutes for admission to Ivy League colleges.

In front of Nidhin’s school
My mum used to be very athletic in her younger days and Nishanth used to be a good athlete as well. He was into sports so much that my mum was worried that he wasn’t concentrating on his studies. He was good enough to compete in the state athletic games. So she went and saw the headmaster and told him to take him out of the team. It’s a pity that in India people don’t give much importance to sports and see it more as a sideshow or hobby. Nidhin’s school is the oldest school in NY. Nidhin’s schoolmates include the likes of Hollywood actors and directors children. Theodore Roosevelt, Lena Durham, Julia Stiles, Vera Wang studied there. Obama’s children go to the sister school in Washington. Their headteacher used to be the principal there when Chelsea Clinton was a student there and she gave a speech at their school recently. Apparently Obama’s youngest child was meant to move to this school when he finished his term and moved to NY. I’ve just been told that they decided to stay back and so will not be coming.
Nishanth has already invited me to go to Nidhin’s graduation and that will be one event that I will not miss.