My long weekend of bliss is coming to an end. I keep the windows drawn these days. With more darkness than daylight, there is no point in closing the curtains, apart from keeping the heat in. As the day dawns it looks like another grey day today. My sore throat which came back with a vengeance yesterday after the party night out seems to be abating. I check the forecast. Shall I go for a nice long walk today? The forecast is for rain and snow. Oh well, It’s breakfast in bed then.
I still need to make my breakfast though. I can’t just ring for room service. So up I get and this is when I notice the white sheet of snow covering the roads. It’s actually snowing pretty heavily. If it settles going to work tomorrow is going to be literally an uphill struggle. Let tomorrow’s struggle be exactly that. Today I will make the most of it. So it’s the works for breakfast then. Well tea, porridge and toast will do nicely.
I download my paper and snuggle up under the duvet and sip my steaming cup of tea. Pure bliss. Apparently an app called ‘Calm’ was named the app of the year. Well if I can bottle this feeling and sell it, I could make millions as well. As I continue to write this, my tea is getting cold, my porridge is thickening by the minute and my toast is getting soggy.
Before long I will not be looking at the snow with this same feeling, but as Scarlet O Hara would put it, “after all tomorrow is another day”. And so as the snow continues to fall, let me saviour this moment and live in the moment for as long as my mind lets me.