So little Lakshmi’s first big day is here. She is having her 28th day naming ceremony tomorrow. She has already been named, but this is the official marking of it. It’s actually the second big day. First being the day she was born of course. Her grandparents and great grand parents have arrived from Wales. They’ve completely embraced the traditional ceremonies and are so looking forward to it. They even tried to get some Welsh gold to mark the occasion, but it is quite difficult to get pure Welsh gold these days.
We haven’t seen or attended a function like this for ages, so had to make some phone calls to find out the auspicious time to hold the aranjanam/charadu kettu. Also we didn’t know how the actual order of the ceremony is conducted. In these days of social media, everything is easy to find. A few clicks and YouTube videos later we are fine. I usually do all this the easy way. I am working today and so have left all the hard work and organising to everyone else.
As I’ve mentioned previously tomorrow is the May Day bank holiday, so apart from Katie and Meera (aunts) who are in the middle of their exams, everybody else can attend. So we just have to hope the weather holds and we will be fine.