The Siberian weather continues to wreak havoc. We were spared yesterday unlike those living in Kent and Sussex. It didn’t last long. The snow spread from the east and covered our roads overnight. I didn’t have to go to work today. The roofers were coming to start work on the conservatory. I wondered whether they would make it. They did but couldn’t do much work. It wasn’t safe to climb up ladders in this weather. They seemed a jolly lot. They joked that I might have to put them up for the night if they couldn’t move their van. I pointed to the warm empty conservatory, with it’s still intact roof, and said ‘’be my guests’’. Their van got stuck outside my house. The wheels were turning but the van wouldn’t budge. They had enough men to push it out of it’s misery. I might not be so lucky tomorrow when I start my car.
I was meant to pick the little one up and look after her till her parents got home tonight. I wasn’t sure if it was safe to drive in these conditions. It would be easier and safer for them to pick her up when they finish work. I won’t see her now for almost three weeks and I was looking forward to seeing her before I travelled. Well that’s another story. Let’s take one day at a time. Friday is still far away. Will I make it to the airport in time? Will the flight leave on time? Will I be able to catch my connection flight. It doesn’t matter. Everything usually works out fine. There is no point in worrying about things you have no control over.
Darkness falls and snow blankets the roads. The lawn and the driveway merge into one. The demarcation between the road and the pavements are lost. The only footprints are those left by the foxes on the powdery snow. Abandoned cars have boxed my car in. I may not be able to get it out tomorrow. The last time it snowed this late in the winter was in 1991. Spring is delayed and the daffodils will have to wait. This is just a minor, temporary setback, but something we will remember for a very long time to come. The year when meteorological spring started with snow showers and bitingly cold winds.