There was a time when Kavitha saw me, her question would be ‘what are you wearing?’ She never approved of my dress sense. Good thing she wasn’t around in my younger days. Even better that I don’t have any photos of me in some of the dresses I used to wear in my school and college days.
She was very good at art at school and has a very good colour/style sense. She wanted to be an interior designer. This was the only thing I disapproved off. I told her that she could do it as a hobby, but not as a career. I let her have free rein of the decorations, when we moved into our current house in 2002. I think she did a very good job. The owner of the curtain shop we got the curtains from apparently offered her a Saturday job, as they were impressed with her colour sense. This was when she was still at school. She didn’t even tell me about it, but turned it down obviously thinking ‘why work, when I have a mum and dad to pay for everything’.
Anyway on ‘Mother’s Day’, which we celebrate here on the first Sunday in March, she took me out for afternoon tea at this lovely cafe near St Paul’s Cathedral. After tea as we were walking to the station, we passed some clothes stores and decided to do some shopping. They had some loud and colourful trousers which Kavitha persuaded me to try on and I liked them. Kavitha wanted me to get a bright red one. I drew the line at that and then later thought why not. So a couple of weeks later went and bought the red one as well. So today it was the turn of my colleagues to say ”What is she wearing”. They told me this in a nice way and my friend said that I actually looked ‘cool’ – her words. I said that I was having a mid- life crisis.
When I was in my late thirties/ early forties I remember telling a friend that I was having a mid-life crisis, his answer was ”how long do you intend to live then?”
So obviously this is not a mid life crisis. More like three quarters of the way there, end of life crisis, as one of my other friends corrected me.