It is the third week since this ritual started. The first time, I looked on gingerly through my windows. The second week I didn’t know it was going to happen. Now we’ve reached the third Thursday since our lives have changed.
It was in the afternoon that news came through that one of my former colleagues had died. Abdul Chowdhury, a Consultant Urologist, had been in our ITU for almost three weeks. He gave up his fight last night. He was one of us.
Today I will be clapping for the carers
For all my colleagues
For all our children who are in the medical field
For all those working behind the scenes
For my colleagues who are not well, (praying for a quick recovery)
For every single person working for the NHS
For the scientists who are racing against time to find a vaccine
For all those working tirelessly to make sure we are looked after
And there is plenty to be thankful for
And above all for Abdul Chowdhury
And all the doctors/healthcare workers who’ve lost their lives
And their families and friends
We thank you all 🙏