How quickly the seasons change. Before I know it winter is upon us. Autumn and the golden leaves it brings will soon be gone. A fleeting snow shower which did not last. I was at work. I did not see. The biting cold air which greeted me as I left work that day, reminded me how cold the winter months can be.
Some mornings the grey sky refuses to lift. On the days it does, the fiery ball of sun in the horizon radiates more colour than warmth. The dreary days casts long shadows, bringing with it the blues and the snuffles. Can the spirit of Christmas lift the grey clouds from the mind and from the body?
I seek ways to clear the blues. Belting out Bob Marley songs in the comfort of my car seems to work, even though I don’t know the words. That was till the sore throat robbed me off my voice. I still go through the motions, and smile at my silliness. The only person who thinks I can sing is Lakshmi. Once when she refused to fall asleep, I sang her some nursery rhymes. She sat up and danced along. Oh well, there is always a first for everything. It will not last. She will soon find out the truth. Till then I shall carry on.
I look around me. People scuttling busily, trying to get to and from their destinations. I too will have lots to do soon. Christmas is just around the corner. It’s time to do the annual rounds and remember those I have not seen in a while. This weekend I am taking it easy though. I am sitting back, resting my weary feet and watching the world pass me by, but only after Indira’s retirement party tonight.